DCRO Practice at Alderley Edge

My nephew Dylan
The Derbyshire Cave Rescue Association usually does a practice session once a year at the copper mines in Alderley Edge. I have missed the last 5 years practice so thought I better make the effort to go this year, and I'm really glad I did. We had a full days practice down Engine Vein copper mine.

Fractured arm?
The day consisted of practice rescue scenarios involving various underground casualties. I worked with groups tackling a man with a possible fractured arm, one having an asthma attack, and a broken leg. I learnt what sort of equipment to take for each situation, initial questions to ask a casualty, and the correct treatment process, under the guidance of the cascare qualified members of the team. Some of us also learnt how to handle gas bottles and administer oxygen for the first time, to the casualty suffering from asthma. We also strapped up a casualties leg using a telescopic pole, and transported him using a vacuum stretcher.
This was a fantastic opportunity to practice these scenarios with the DCRO on our "home turf" at Alderley Edge. I learnt a lot and have decided to join the team as a probationary member. I hope to become much more active within the organisation in the near future.

Broken Leg

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